UltraBright Blue LED Transilluminator. The most popular large format blue light transilluminator sold in the USA.

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Despite its compact exterior, the UltraBright LB-16 blue light transilluminator is suitable for imaging gels up to 20 cm x 16 cm, making it an excellent transilluminator for labs working with mini, midi, or large format gels. The systems contains 128 high intensity 470nm (blue light) LED bulbs and intensity can be set to high or low.

Safe to use and does not damage DNA
Despite the increased interest in "safe/non-toxic" DNA gel stains such as SYBR Safe or GelGreen, many labs still use UV transilluminators on the bench. Exposure to UV can cause sunburns to skin or eyes. Additionally, UV can accidentally crosslink and damage your DNA. As the UltraSlim, or UltraBright, units use blue light, there is no risk of sunburn or damage to DNA. Simply put, this is a safer system to use on the bench.
Outstanding build quality
The UltraBright is made of high quality, scientific-grade material. It has metal housing and an attached variable aluminum frame holds the amber viewing screen.
Will I see my bands? Yes, you will!

This is a commonly asked question and concern from anyone looking at purchasing a blue light transilluminator online. The picture above was captured at a customer lab in Cambridge, MA that uses our UltraBright blue LED transilluminator. It is an image of a DNA gel stained with SYBR Safe. As you can see from the reflection on the screen, this image was captured with the lights on in the room. In fact, the system was placed directly under a ceiling light. UltraBright means ultra bright!
The Next Generation of Blue Light Transilluminators. Works with gels up to 20cm x 16cm.
Transilluminators.com is proud to offer the UltraBright-LED, a new generation of blue light transilluminator. The UltraBright-LED has two side-mounted high intensity LED arrays. This produces uniform and bright excitation at 470nm making it suitable for a wide range of dyes.
The use of special filter material built into the lid of the UltraBright transilluminator greatly enhances the contrast of bands providing the optimum viewing conditions that are ideal for image capture and band cutting.